Aqua Clean Power Washing LLC uses a commercial roof cleaning technique called Soft Wash Roof Cleaning. This form of commercial roof cleaning focuses on using soaps to clean the roof rather than using high pressure. This form of roof cleaning is what is currently being taught in power washing schools. It’s also what is recommended by the Asphalt Roof Manufacturing Association and roof manufacturer GAF. GAF is the largest roofing manufactures in the United States.
The reason they are not recommending pressure washing is because what’s on your roof isn’t dirt. What you see on your roof is one of several forms of organic growth. On pitched roofs these growths include gloeocapsa magma, moss, and folios lichens. Most flat roofs are covered with black gloeocapsa magma. The key to properly cleaning the roof is having the right blend of soaps. Without the right soap blends you will not properly remove the organic staining or kill the organisms that are growing on the roof. These soaps get sprayed on with low pressure and get rinsed off with low pressure. This helps avoid damaging the seams and edges of the roofing material.
Some of the benefits to Soft Wash Cleaning the roof are that it does a much better job of cleaning the roof. Since it doesn’t require high pressure we do not damage the roofing material, but we kill the organisms that are growing there. It also lasts longer than traditional power washing while preserving your roof.
NJ Wash Water Control Rules
The EPA and NJDEP have rules pertaining to dirty water from power washing and soaps. These rules dictate that dirty water and soaps cannot ever make it to storm drains, rivers, or bodies of water. In order to adhere to this policy Aqua Clean Power Washing LLC vacuums up the dirty water and soaps that could or would eventually make their way to the storm drains. Then we pump the dirty water and soaps out to a safe location on your property. This does add to the cost of the project, and requires some homework, but it avoids getting the job done and having the EPA or NJDEP representative come to the job with a finding that the water was improperly handled, and being subject to a fines or worse.